Since May 2, 1994, the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “Queen of the Rosary and of Peace”, Our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Joseph, are said to have been appearing regularly in Itapiranga, Brazil. The visionary is Edson Glauber Coutinho. The apparitions, though thematically similar to the apparitions at Fatima, Portugal – a call to prayer and conversion, are unique in that we are given recurring visits not just from Our Lady, but also from Our Lord and St. Joseph. Leading up to these apparitions of St. Joseph, Our Lord and Our Lady encouraged devotion his Most Chaste Heart.
Beginning in March of 1998 St. Joseph himself began appearing, recommending devotion to his Most Chaste Heart as a means to obtain graces for the Church and for mankind. The selected messages contained herein pertain to St. Joseph specifically. These apparitions were approved by the Bishop, Dom Carillo Gritti, on January 31, 2010, but recently, as of March 2017, the Church is said to have withdrawn approval. STATUS PENDING.
​​May 24, 1996 – Our Lady: All families belong to my family, along with my Son Jesus and the glorious St. Joseph. St. Joseph is the protector of all families and especially of husbands. He intercedes for all and brings families to my Son Jesus. Do not neglect to ask for his protection and ask for his help when in distress.
Our Lady Queen of the Rosary and of Peace then gave the world this prayer:
My glorious St. Joseph, take care of my family: today, tomorrow and forevermore. Amen, amen, amen!
May 25, 1996 – Our Lady: Beloved children, in your lives and within your families always ask for the protection of my beloved and most chaste spouse Joseph. St. Joseph is one of the great saints before God. Many still do not show him deserved veneration. They do not understand that he was a very important instrument in the saving work of my Son Jesus. If it were not for St. Joseph, how much more would my Son and I have suffered under the persecution of Herod? Think children, how much my most chaste spouse had to suffer in order to sustain the Savior of the world and give him a decent life alongside his mother. May all fathers and mothers deliver their children and their families to the protection of St. Joseph.
May 25, 1996 – Our Lady: Beloved children, in your lives and within your families always ask for the protection of my beloved and most chaste spouse Joseph. St. Joseph is one of the great saints before God. Many still do not show him deserved veneration. They do not understand that he was a very important instrument in the saving work of my Son Jesus. If it were not for St. Joseph, how much more would my Son and I have suffered under the persecution of Herod? Think children, how much my most chaste spouse had to suffer in order to sustain the Savior of the world and give him a decent life alongside his mother. May all fathers and mothers deliver their children and their families to the protection of St. Joseph.
December 25, 1996 – Edson: The Holy Family appeared dressed in robes of clearest and purest gold. Jesus and Our Lady showed their Sacred Hearts and pointed, with their hands, to the Heart of St. Joseph, which appeared surrounded by twelve white lilies and, within it, the Cross of Christ which surmounted the letter “M" (for Mary), formed as though by wounds. The twelve white lilies represent the purity and holiness of the Heart of St. Joseph: who has always been pure, chaste and holy to the greatest degree. The twelve lilies also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, one of which was the House of the patriarch Joseph.
The Cross and the "M" of Mary inscribed in the Heart of St. Joseph, represents his devoted and wholehearted love for Jesus and Mary. They are formed by wounds because St. Joseph shared in the sufferings of Jesus and Mary, also participating in the ministry of redemption.
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary rays of light shine towards the Heart of St. Joseph. These rays represent the love of the Triune Holy Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, just as the Holy Trinity is one and triune in love.
The rays from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary direct us towards the Heart of St. Joseph in order to show us that he received all the graces and virtues of their Most Holy Hearts. For Jesus and Mary shared all with him and did not deny him anything, in gratitude for the devotedness of St. Joseph to them.
The rays coming out of the Heart of St. Joseph are all the graces, virtues, and holy love, which he received from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which he now pours forth over all those who invoke the aid of his Most Chaste Heart. This triune devotion of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, united in one love, glorify the Holy Trinity: one and triune.
December 29, 1996 – Our Lady: Teach this consecration of our Three Hearts, united in one love, to all your brothers:
Make the sign of the cross and pray: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate to you this day my mind (+) my words (+), my body (+), my heart (+) and my soul (+), so that your will be done through me this day. Amen.
May 2, 1997 – Our Lady: I am the Queen of the Rosary and the Queen of Peace. I have descended from heaven with St. Joseph and the Child Jesus to bless you all. Pray, pray, pray. My Lord will grant you all His Holy Love, but do not offend Him anymore. Ask pardon for your sins with all sincerity.
Jesus and I have come today, accompanied by St. Joseph, because we want everyone to have a deep love and devotion to his Chaste Heart. Those who ask the blessings of God through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will receive from me and my Son Jesus all the graces they need. We are grateful to St. Joseph for all that he did for both of us. Jesus and I wish for the devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph to be placed alongside the devotion to our Hearts.
We wish for devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph to be practiced by my children around the world – especially on the first Wednesdays of every month. By praying, in particular the Seven Sorrows and Joys of my most chaste spouse St. Joseph, they will receive the graces necessary for salvation at the hour of their death.
People who pray the Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys of St. Joseph may do so as a Novena on the first Wednesday of every month for nine consecutive months – attending on that day Holy Confession and Holy Communion, offering them in honor of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.
May 13, 1997 – Our Lord Jesus: My dear children, have a very deep love for the Heart of my Chaste Virgin Father Joseph, because I, and my Holy Mother, grant many graces to you through his Chaste Heart.
June 4, 1997 – Our Lady: Dear children, today is the first Wednesday of the month and so you should approach the Most Chaste Heart of My Virginal Spouse St. Joseph. Our Lord wants to give you many graces and virtues through the intercession of St. Joseph.
June 11, 1997 – Our Lord Jesus: I encourage you to love the Most Chaste Heart of my Virginal Father Joseph. Give yourself fully to this pure Heart – Chaste and Virginal. My Sacred Heart was formed to be a vessel of grace for sinful humanity, as was the Immaculate Heart of my mother. And now I say to you: whosoever has a sincere devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will not be lost – this is the great promise I make to you.
October 8, 1997 – Our Lord Jesus: My dear children, I ask all of you to honor the Immaculate Heart of my Mother and the Chaste Heart of my Virginal Father Joseph, in preparation for approaching my Sacred Heart. I, the Divine Savior, will bestow my blessings and countless graces for all those who honor these two Hearts united to mine, because my children, I have a very great love for my heavenly Mother and my dear Father Joseph. I wish to pour onto the whole world my holy blessing.
November 2, 1997: Our Lord Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph appeared, dressed in gold and seated on three beautiful thrones. The three had beautiful golden crowns on their heads. Jesus sat in the middle, Our Lady at the right hand of Jesus and St. Joseph at the left. I felt in my heart that Jesus was the King; the Virgin was Queen and St. Joseph the Viceroy of Heaven.
November 2, 1997 – Our Lord Jesus: My holy peace to you all! I am the King of the Universe and the King of all hearts. I wish to grant to you and to all mankind my love and my blessing. My love for you is immense – My Sacred Heart beats with love for you! My children, deliver me your hearts: I want to turn them into living furnaces of burning love! I am the Eternal Life – outside of me there is death, but I live.
Always love my Blessed Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth, and my Virginal Father Joseph, whom I have appointed to the world and to the Church as Father and Protector. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Jesus taught me a prayer at this time to pray to St. Joseph:
My glorious St. Joseph, by the graces of your Most Chaste Heart, save the Holy Church against the attacks of Satan and defend, with your intercession and power, devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, for God hath granted you great power and glory! I want to be thy servant for love of Jesus and Mary, for life. Amen.
November 27, 1997 – Our Lord Jesus: I want each of my children worldwide have devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of my Virginal Father Joseph – this will lead numerous souls to me. Let all men know that by simply invoking the name of my Holy Virgin Father Joseph, Hell trembles with fear and the devils take flight! In Heaven all the saints and all the angels praise St. Joseph, because I ordained for him a great position in heaven. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
January 14, 1998 – Our Lady: Every day, men are offending the Lord more and more with their innumerable sins. The Church is being terribly attacked by the enemies God, but what pains my Immaculate Heart the most is that many who are part of this revolt are nothing less than many of my priest sons. Jesus is already so much offended; he looks at mankind and sees him asleep in sin.
The justice of God will be poured out in large proportions, especially in those states or cities where abortions are rampant. Those who not repent of their crimes will not be shown pity, because they have mocked the authority God as the sole author of life. What I tell you will happen soon – time is growing short and men do not want to hear me. Son, help me with your prayers and sacrifices.
Offer everything to God, through my Immaculate Heart and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. You already know that you should love St. Joseph dearly – it is what Jesus and I desire. You must be an example for all of my other children in the faith. Do not be discouraged my son. Remember that we are always together: Jesus, St. Joseph, I and thou. We are a family and your family is my family.
March 1, 1998 – St. Joseph: In this apparition, St. Joseph appeared dressed in a white tunic with a blue robe, accompanied by several angels. St. Joseph held a lily bud and revealed to me his Heart.
My dear son, Our Lord God has sent me to tell you about all the graces the faithful will receive from my Most Chaste Heart which Jesus and my blessed spouse wish to be honored. I am St. Joseph and my name means "God will grow," because I grew every day in grace and divine virtues. Through devotion to my Chaste Heart many souls will be saved from the hands of the Devil. God our Lord has allowed for me to reveal to you the promises of my Heart. Just as I am fair and righteous in the sight of God, all who have devotion to my Heart will also be chaste, righteous and holy in his sight. I will fill you with these graces and virtues, making you grow every day on the road of holiness. This is all I will reveal to you on this day. I give my blessing to you my son, and all mankind: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 2, 1998 – St. Joseph and the Child Jesus: St. Joseph appeared with the Child Jesus, with a red mantle and a white tunic. The Boy Jesus had his head inclined on St. Joseph's Heart, playing with the lilies he held in his hands. St. Joseph had brilliant green eyes and a beautiful smile – he appeared to be very young with an indescribable beauty.
The Child Jesus: My son, behold this heart… With one of His little hands, the Child Jesus opened the illuminated chest of St. Joseph. In His other hand, Jesus held the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. Here in this Heart you will find me living, because it is pure and saintly. That all hearts could be like this one, so they could be my home on earth. Imitate this Heart so that you may receive my graces and blessings.
St. Joseph then spoke: My beloved son, today I bless you, I bless your mother and all your family. My beloved Son, God Our Lord, wishes to give all humanity countless graces, through devotion to my Heart. My son and Lord Jesus, that I brought up here on earth with a father's love, desires that all men practice devotion to my Heart, for all those in need of graces from Heaven.
He also asks that men help others in need with their good deeds. I promise to all that honor this Most Chaste Heart of mine, and who do here on earth good deeds in favor of the most needy, especially of the sick and dying for whom I am a consoler and protector, to receive in their last moment of their lives the grace of a good death. I will be to these souls their petitioner to my Son Jesus and, together with my spouse, Most Holy Mary, we will console them in their last hours here on earth with our holy presence, and they will rest in the peace of our Hearts.
Just as you saw my Son Jesus repose His head on my Heart, this way myself and my spouse Holy Mary will take these souls to the glory of paradise, in the presence of their Savior, my Son Jesus Christ, so that they may repose, and incline themselves to his Sacred Heart, in the burning furnace of the most pure and loving Heart. I give you my blessing: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 3, 1998 – St. Joseph: St. Joseph came dressed in a white tunic and a white cloak, holding a lily and the Child Jesus, also in white, on his lap.
My beloved son, listen and make it known to all men what God has permitted me to reveal to you. My beloved son, how sin spreads in a such a strong way! Men allow themselves be led by the most insidious wiles of the Devil. The enemy of salvation wants to destroy all men so that, this way, all will be lost. He is envious and hates the entire human race. So many go through trials and temptations, that the enemy of God throws at every moment, this way trying to destroy men's mortal souls that were created by God.
The means that he most utilizes are the sins against holy purity, because purity is one of the virtues most beloved by God, and in this way Satan desires to destroy the image of God present in each creature through this virtue. And it is because of this that God asks all humanity to have devotion to my Chaste Heart, he wants to give men the grace to overcome the temptations and attacks of the Devil in their day to day lives.
The invocation of my name is enough to make demons flee! I promise to all the faithful that honor my Most Chaste Heart with faith and love, the grace to live with holy purity of soul and body and the strength to resist all attacks and temptations by the Devil.
I will preciously protect you. This grace is not only destined for those who honor this Heart of mine, but also for all their family members who are in need of divine help. I give you my blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 4, 1998 – St. Joseph: St. Joseph came dressed in a wine-colored cloak with a green tunic. He held a staff in his right hand and showed his Chaste Heart streaming intense rays of light.
My beloved son, today is the first Wednesday of the month. On every first Wednesday of the month, my Chaste Heart pours numerous graces on all who rely on my intercession. On these Wednesdays, men will receive strong torrents of extraordinary graces! I will share them with those who honor me and rely on me, all the blessings, all the virtues, and all the love I received from my Divine Son Jesus and my spouse the Blessed Virgin Mary while still living in this world and all the graces that I continue to receive in the glory of paradise.
My beloved son, what a great honor and dignity I received from the Heavenly Father, that made my Heart exult with joy! The Heavenly Father granted me the honor of representing him, in this world, to take care of his Divine and Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. My Heart was also surprised by so such dignity, I felt incapable and undeserving of such a great favor and benefit, but I put all in the hands of the Lord and, as his servant, I was ready to do his holy will. Think, my beloved son, what joy I felt in my Heart! The Son of the Most high was now in my care and was known by all men as my legitimate son. To the eyes of the world it was impossible, but for God everything is possible when he so desires it.
Because of this great grace and joy that God granted my Heart and, by such great mystery, I promise to intercede before him for those who come to me, honoring this Heart of mine. I will give them the graces to be able to resolve the most difficult problems and urgent necessities, that to the eyes of man seem impossible, but that, through my intercession to God, will be possible. I grant the graces of my Heart to all sinners so they may convert. My Heart grants its rays of love on the entire Holy Church, particularly on my Son’s Vicar, Pope John Paul II *. No one, such as he, has special access to this Heart of mine. That he may trust in my Heart and in my intercession, I am to the Holy Father as father and protector. I give my blessing: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
* 8/15/89, Pope John Paul II released the Apostolic Exhortation REDEMPTORIS CUSTOS (Guardian of the Redeemer) that speaks of the life and mission of St. Joseph.
March 5, 1998 – St. Joseph: The Holy Family appeared: St. Joseph was in a beige cloak and blue grey tunic, in his arms was the Child Jesus wearing a very bright blue tunic. Our Lady was in a white veil and blue grey dress.
My beloved son, my Heart desires to spill many graces this night on all men, because I desire the conversion of all sinners so that they may be saved. That all sinners may not be afraid to approach my Heart, I desire to welcome and protect them. Many are those who are distant from God because of their grave sins. Many of those, my children, are in that state because they let themselves fall to the wiles of the Devil. The enemy of salvation makes them think there is no solution, nor return, because they have despaired and have not trusted in Divine Mercy. These will be easy targets for the Devil.
But I tell all sinners, even those who have committed the most terrible sins, to trust in the love and in the forgiveness of God and to trust in me also, in my intercession. All those who trustingly have recourse to me will have the certainty of my help to recover the divine grace and mercy of God. Look, my son, what the Heavenly Father entrusted to me to take care of: his Divine Son Jesus Christ and the Immaculate spouse of the Holy Spirit.
My Heart felt a great peace and joy for having Jesus and Mary at my side in the same house. Our three Hearts loved one another. We lived a trinitarian love, but it was a love united in the act of offering to the Eternal Father. Our Hearts melted into the purest love as though becoming one heart living in three persons.
But look, my son, how much my heart grieved and suffered in seeing my Son Jesus so little and already in danger for his life because of Herod that, taken by an evil spirit, ordered the killing of the innocent children. My heart went through great tribulation and suffering because of the great danger my Son Jesus suffered, but our Heavenly Father did not abandon us in that moment, he sent his messenger angel to direct me and to reveal to me what attitude to take in those difficult moments of suffering. Because of this, my son, tell all sinners to not despair in the great dangers of life and of the dangers of losing one's soul.
I promise all who will trust in my Most Chaste Heart, devoutly honoring it, the grace to be consoled by me in their greatest afflictions of the soul and in the danger of judgment, when by misfortune lose divine grace because of their grave sins. To these sinners, who have recourse to me, I promise the graces of my Heart for the purpose of amendment, of repentance and of sincere contrition of their sins. Now, I say to all sinners: Do not be afraid of the Devil and do not despair because of your crimes, but come throw yourselves in my arms and take refuge in my Heart so that you may receive all the graces for your eternal salvation. Now I will give the world my blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 6, 1998 – St. Joseph: My beloved son, I would like to speak anew about the graces my Chaste Heart wishes to shower upon all humanity. My Chaste Heart, by the impulse of love, searches always to save all men from sin. My Son Jesus, through my Heart, wishes to impart to all men his divine blessings. I know many of you suffer many great difficulties because, in these last times, men no longer love or help one another but live with their hearts full of pride, falsehood, lies, intrigue, ambition, backbiting, pettiness, and many wrongs that are the consequences of living far from God.
My son, look at how much I suffered beside my Son Jesus and my Spouse the Blessed Virgin Mary! Like I have told you, I received from God the mission to be the guardian and protector of Jesus and Mary. My Heart was anguished because we did not live in the best of conditions in life, though I searched for a way to give a dignified life to the Son of the Most High.
The only means I had to bring home our daily bread was through my work as a carpenter. Work did not always have its adequate profit. Life had its problems, but I always trusted in Divine Providence. This was always our assistance for what was necessary for the survival of my beloved Son Jesus Christ. My Heart, would become distressed because I felt I was not giving my Son Jesus a dignified life. God permitted me to go through this so that I would grow to trust in his Divine Providence. The virtue of humility would adorn my soul and I would be an example to all men and workers, so that they would also fulfill their duties and work with patience and love.
My beloved son, to all who honor this Heart of mine and trust in me and in my intercession, I promise they will not be abandoned in their difficulties and in the trials of life. I will ask Our Lord to help them with his Divine Providence in their material and spiritual problems.
Mothers and fathers, consecrate yourselves to my Heart, likewise your families, and you will receive my help in your afflictions and problems. Just as I brought up the Son of the Most High in his holy laws, I will assist you with the upbringing and education of your children.
I will help all fathers and mothers that consecrate their children to me, to bring them up with love in the holy laws of God, so they may find the secure road to salvation.
Now I tell all men: consecrate yourselves to my Chaste Heart. Consecrate all to me: your lives, your families, your jobs. Consecrate all to me, because my Heart is the new font of graces that God concedes to all humanity. I extend my cloak over the whole world and all the Holy Church. Trust in me and you will receive all graces. I give you my blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 7, 1998 – St. Joseph: St. Joseph came in a leaf-green cloak and dark gray tunic. Our Blessed Mother came in a blue mantle and white dress with a white veil. The Child Jesus came in a light-yellow tunic. St. Joseph held the right hand of the Child Jesus.
My beloved son, this night I, my Son Jesus and my spouse the Blessed Virgin, bless you in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. My beloved son, my Son Jesus is very indignant with the sins of humanity.
He desires to pour his divine justice upon all men that do not want to repent and continue obstinately in their sins. Look, my son, I hold his right hand, preventing Him from pouring out his justice upon all humanity. I ask him, through the graces of my Heart and for being worthy to live by his side, taking care of him with the love of a father in this world, and for him having loved me with the love of a son, to not chastise the world for its crimes, but for all my little ones who honor and will honor this Chaste Heart of mine, should pour out his mercy upon the world.
How many sins are committed in the world, my son! It is necessary that men do much penance, that they repent of their errant attitudes, because God receives continued offenses from ungrateful men. Today there are so many outrages, the sacrilege and indifference by all men. It is because of this that so many calamities like war, hunger and disease occur and so many other sad things man has suffered because of mans rebellion against God.
God lets men follow their own paths to show them all, without him, they will never be happy. He lets men go through so much suffering to also show them the consequences sin brings to their lives and so then the divine justice punishes humanity because of their obstinance in not being obedient to God's Will. Because of this, my beloved son, in these last times, humanity follows increasingly obstinate in their crimes, because what matters most for him are the pleasures of worldly things, rather than the love of God and his Commandments. But God's justice is close at hand in a way never seen before and will come about suddenly upon the whole world.
So then, my son, tell all those that honor this Chaste Heart of mine they will receive the grace of my protection from all evils and dangers. For those who surrender to me will not be slaughtered by misfortunes, by wars, hunger, by diseases and other calamities, they will have my Heart as a refuge for their protection. Here, in my Heart, all will be protected against the divine justice in the days that will come. All who consecrate themselves to my Heart, honoring it, they will be looked upon by my Son Jesus with eyes of mercy. Jesus will pour out his love and will take to the glory of his Kingdom all those I put in my Heart. This is my message for tonight. I bless you: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 8, 1998 – St. Joseph: St. Joseph was dressed in a dark maroon tunic and light maroon cloak, surrounded by twelve angels with large wings.
My beloved son, my Heart exults in joy by these encounters, I want to pour out these graces that the Lord has permitted me to give. I want, through my Heart, to lead all men to God. Here, in my Heart, all men are protected and through it they will understand the love of God in their lives.
My son, all those who propagate the devotion to my Heart, and practice it with love, have the certainty of having their names engraved on it just as my Son Jesus' cross and the "M" of Mary are engraved on it, as formed by wounds. This also applies for all priests whom I love with predilection. The priests who have a devotion to my Heart and spread it will have the grace of touching the most hardened hearts and convert obstinate sinners. That all may spread devotion to my Heart, it is God Himself who asks it. For all those who listen to my plea, I give my blessing.
You are to spread this devotion to all men, my beloved son, as you are designated by God to be the apostle of my Heart. Tell all of my love! Later I will come to speak to you about other things that will be very important for the salvation of many souls. God has entrusted you with a great mission – trust in me and you will know how to truly realize it. I give you my blessing: in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 9, 1998 – Our Lady: St. Joseph came, in a burgundy cloak and white tunic, with Our Lady, in a blue mantle and white dress. The Child Jesus, all in white, was sitting on St. Joseph's lap.
My beloved son, this night I, my Son Jesus and my Most Chaste Spouse St. Joseph bless the whole world. I ask you to listen and to live the holy messages of God. Continue to pray the holy Rosary every day and, particularly, beloved son, the seven Apostles’ Creeds, because here in the Amazon there will be a great loss of faith. It is because of this I ask you to always pray the seven Creeds, since many will lose their faith and abandon the Holy Church in the difficult moments to come. I, your Mother, ask you to continue to pray to prevent that great danger and those difficult days during which many will suffer.
All who honor the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will benefit with my maternal presence in their lives in a special way. I will be at the side of each son and daughter of mine, helping and comforting them with a mothers' Heart, just as I helped and comforted my Most Chase Spouse Joseph in this world. To those who ask of his Heart with trust, I promise to intercede before the Eternal Father, my Divine Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I will obtain for them, from God, the grace to reach perfect sanctity in the virtues of St. Joseph, this way reaching the perfect love in which he lived. Men will learn to love my Son Jesus and myself with the same love as my Most Chaste Spouse Joseph, receiving the most pure love from our Hearts.
My Son Jesus, my Chaste Spouse Joseph and I are at your side. Fear nothing, because our Hearts will protect you always. I give you my blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the end of this message the Holy Family gave their blessing and as they were rising to Heaven, Our Lady said: In the end our united Hearts will triumph!
March 10, 1998 – Our Lord Jesus: Jesus was majestically dressed. He spoke with great love and royal authority. He was beautiful and full of light that radiated from his being, as if the light was coming out from within and permanently surrounding him. Each time he spoke about the devotion to his Virginal Father Joseph's Heart his countenance became illuminated and his Heart shone the greater.
My beloved son, today I pour out all the graces of my Heart and I bless all humanity. I desire that all men have devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of my Virginal Father Joseph. Those that will honor him, as they do my Heart, will bring me joy. Speak to all men about this devotion that has been revealed to you. You should love my Virginal Father Joseph as I love him, because, in loving him, you will be doing my will and imitating me in all.
I want to save all sinners, I love everyone. I am your God, I created you and I want you to be happy by my side and to share in my love and in the glory of paradise. Because of this, my son, all who will honor my Virginal Father Joseph's Most Chaste Heart, will receive at the hour of death the grace to resist the schemes of the enemy of salvation, receiving victory and the deserved recompense in the Kingdom of my Heavenly Father. Those who devoutly honor this Chaste Heart in this world have the certainty of receiving great glory in Heaven.
The devoted souls of my Virginal Father Joseph will benefit from the beatific vision of the Holy Trinity and will have the profound knowledge of the One Triune God, the thrice Holy. They will enjoy the presence of my Heavenly Mother and my Virginal Father Joseph in the heavenly Kingdom. These souls will be loved by the Holy Trinity and by my Holy Mother Mary and will encircle the Most Chaste Heart of my Virginal Father Joseph like the most beautiful of lilies. I bless you, my beloved son, your whole family, and the whole world: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 19, 1998 – Our Lady and St. Joseph: The Holy Family appeared to me this day: Our Lady with St. Joseph, who was holding the Child Jesus in his arms. All three were dressed in gold. The Child Jesus had His back to me, with His little arms around St. Joseph's neck, with His head down as if crying, asking for comfort and support.
Our Lady spoke: My Son is very saddened by all the young people, because the young people of today offend Him with grave sins and do not want to know of God, rebelling against Him. Jesus is saddened by all those persons who do not want to change their lives by repenting of their sins.
St. Joseph then spoke: My heart greatly yearns for the salvation of all. Take from my Heart all the graces that you need for your salvation. I give my blessing to you and to the world.
May 2, 1998 – Our Lady: When Our Lady appeared in the afternoon, she was beautiful accompanied by her Son Jesus and St. Joseph. All three dressed in royal gold, accompanied by many saints and angels from paradise. It seemed as if the whole heavens descended that day in Itapiranga. It was a marvelous vision, indescribably beautiful.
Peace be with you all! My beloved children, I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of God and your mother. Remain in peace, live in peace. Pray, pray, pray. I come again from Heaven to grant you the peace and love of my Son Jesus Christ. How my Immaculate Heart is joyful to see you all here. … My children, once more I ask: Do you love Jesus? Give yourselves to him, my children. He is everything in each and everyone of your lives. Without him you are nothing. Without him you will never be happy – in this world or the next.
Remember, my children, that paradise awaits you. Fight for paradise. I am the Queen of the Holy Rosary. I am the Mother of all humanity. God blesses you all, with St. Joseph, my beloved children, and the whole world. Convert! The times, my children, are very difficult, but if you live God's word and my holy messages, you have the certainty of walking on the right path. Repent of your sins! Again, I tell you: Brazil, Brazil, I desire to save you by means of my Immaculate Heart. Brazil, this is part of God's plan.
In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, together with my Son Jesus' Sacred Heart and with the Most Chaste Heart of my Virginal Spouse Joseph. I tell you my beloved children, when the triumph of our Sacred Hearts is near, here from this city you will see in the sky our Hearts shinning in glory.
Very slowly, Our Lady, Jesus and St. Joseph, together with all the choirs of Angels and Saints that were present, started rising toward Heaven, slowly disappearing.
July 14, 2000 – Edson: A friend took me to Aylesford, the site where the Holy Virgin appeared to St. Simon Stock and gave him the scapular. There exists a beautiful Sanctuary in honor of the Mother of God, venerated as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. At this place, in the afternoon, I saw the Holy Family which appeared in a very radiant light:
Our Lady was dressed in a white tunic, blue mantle and a white veil. In her right arm, she held the Child Jesus wrapped in a white cloth. St. Joseph was dressed in a light brown tunic and a dark brown cloak. In his right hand, he was holding a white lily. Something that called my attention was that in the left hand of the Virgin was a scapular with three Hearts drawn. I understood that she was asking for something very important in this place that would be a great help for the salvation of souls and of families, through the means of that scapular, for that reason I prayed more insistently to the Lord so he would assist me in understanding his will in the right moment and so I asked each day his grace and his enlightenment.
July 15, 2000 – Edson: After Mass, when I was praying the Rosary, God revealed to me something about the union of the three Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. First, I was given to understand the union of St. Joseph in the mystery of the Incarnation. With each joyful mystery of the Rosary I began understanding the participation of St. Joseph in the work of redemption: in the annunciation, the visitation, in the Nativity, the presentation and in the loosing and finding of Jesus in the temple.
I saw the radiant Chaste Heart of St. Joseph wrapped in light. This vision caused in me great contemplation and made me understand how much St. Joseph's Heart is full of love and grace, and how much God desires to concede many graces and light to mankind for their salvation. In seeing this vision I felt totally wrapped and absorbed by the presence of God who performed great wonders in St. Joseph and I knew something about his great sanctity, glory and power that men ignore. How God desires that men make use of this great font of graces, but they reject it.
After this, I saw the three Hearts: of Jesus, Mary and Joseph that were united. This vision repeated three times so that the significance would be well understood. It was one radiant and luminous Heart that lived with intense love and unity, honoring, adoring and glorifying the Holy Trinity in everything.
Immediately following this, I saw a large eye: it was the Eye of God that sees all. I felt a great and holy fear. I felt very small. Through that eye I saw my nothingness and my weakness and I asked God pardon of my defects. I was enlightened concerning the majesty of God who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient and all this was impressed on my mind and in my soul.
Then appeared to me St. Joseph, with a beautiful paternal smile who showed me his Most Chaste Heart. I understood that his bond and union with the Father is very great and intimate, because it was the Father who chose him to represent him on this earth in his paternity for his Divine Son Jesus. St. Joseph blessed me and disappeared.
After this I saw the Hand of God, in the form of the Trinity, who also blessed me. I understood that the Father blessed jointly with St. Joseph, so that I would be fortified to carry out the mission that he confided to me: to spread the devotion of this Chaste Heart.
January 21, 2003 – Edson: At night, I saw St. Joseph, who came to bless us. He showed me his Chaste Heart which gave off many rays of light. In this apparition St. Joseph entered the doors of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican and from inside he blessed the Church and the world. After this, I saw St. Joseph showing the Pope his Chaste Heart, embracing him afterward.
December 9, 2004 – St. Joseph: Peace be with you all! My son, today my Lord sent me here to bless all those who are in prayer, to tell them that He is still waiting for them and that they must always continue the road that leads to Him.
To those who want my help, they will receive the necessary graces to walk and to win all the trials that come their way. Look, my son, I cover you with my cloak and I tell you it's a shield for all those who resort to my intercession. Tell everyone to takes refuge in my cloak, because I want to help them and give them great graces. Here in my Most Chaste Heart are found abundant graces for everyone. Pray, pray, pray, and these graces will flow abundantly to you and to your families, for it is the Lord who allows me to give to all those who have recourse to me, honoring my Most Chaste Heart. I bless you and all the others: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition St. Joseph covered me with his protective cloak. I felt protected and I can not describe the peace that invaded my soul!
December 24, 2004 – St. Joseph: The peace of the Lord be with you! My son, once again, I want to give you my blessing and my love. The Lord God sends me here to tell you that this is the time of conversion, prayer, and a sincere return to Him. Men have not yet found peace because they have not received the message that Jesus has brought to the world. Men only live in wars and violence because they have banished God from their lives. Return to God, accept His divine words, live it, and His light will shine upon you and your families. My son, since I was little when the Lord granted me the use of reason, already with my life and with all my being I was worshiping Him, I glorified and blessed His Holy Name. Thus, the Eternal Father was always present in my life and as I grew His divine presence grew stronger every day. He was preparing me with new blessings and graces for being worthy of having the Blessed Virgin, Mother of His Divine Son, at my side.
The Father commissioned me a great mission and He was revealing to me, little by little, His designs. A little at a time He opened my Heart to His divine design. When I was young I felt the fiery desire to reconcile my purity and my body to Him. So, I consecrated my virginity to Him, and my heart was being enriched with the most holy graces, because I was to be the protector of the two great signs of purity in the world: Jesus and Mary. Pray, pray, pray and the Eternal Father through His Divine Son will grant you peace. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
On this night St. Joseph appeared very beautiful surrounded by 12 angels who had long wings, forming a beautiful crown. When St. Joseph started talking about God the Father, above Him appeared a big green eye: I realized that it was the eye of God, the Father who at that moment looked at us and blessed us. And contemplating that Great Eye I felt great power and majesty, something very profound that I can not describe with words. That Eye knew the deepest secrets of my soul and nothing could escape that look. I also felt a great protection: anything around me could happen, I did not care, because the One who created all things was there with me at that moment, and all things are in His hands.
June 20, 2007, Feast of the Most Chaste Heart – St. Joseph: Peace be with you! My children, I am the blessed spouse of the Blessed Virgin and the righteous one of the Lord. I come this night with my Divine Son to grant the graces that God has permitted me to distribute to all those who honor and celebrate my Most Chaste Heart. My Heart exults in joy this night, to see you united here in prayer. I tell you my little ones, those who seek my help and intercession will not be abandoned by me. I desire to take all men to Jesus and Mary. These are times of great graces. I love you and I tell you to make of your lives a gift of love to God, just as I offered my life to him from my infancy.
Children, pray for those who live in the darkness of sin. So many souls are destroyed by sin. The Devil is enraged and desires to show his shameful face in Brazil with violence and hatred. Pray to stop him by your fasting and prayers, because, if you do not listen to my pleading, you will see many sorrowful things happen in your country.
… So many priests are in darkness, because they do not pray and are not faithful to God. Today many of the priest's homilies do not touch the hearts of the faithful, in converting them, because many of their souls are rotten with sin. Whoever is in sin cannot receive the grace and light of God to illuminate others. Jesus said: can the blind lead the blind? No beloved children. If you want to be light to your brothers, you must convert yourself first and repent of your sins and in this way the grace of God will envelope you.
My Heart loves God and the Blessed Virgin so very much. If you want to belong to them, approach my Heart and I will teach you to love them. I give you my blessing – a blessing of peace and of love, united to my Son: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
​June 24, 2009, Feast of the Chaste Heart – St. Joseph: Today St. Joseph appeared, with the Child Jesus and Our Lady, all dressed in gold, the same as the apparition on December 25, 1996. They showed me their Hearts. They were surrounded by many angels and saints. St. Joseph was the one who gave me the message this night:
The peace of Jesus to you all! My son, today my Most Chaste Heart is joyful with the presence of all who came to honor me with their prayers. My Son Jesus permits me to grant you numerous graces this blessed night on which he desired to dedicate to my Chaste Heart. Praise and bless the Holy Name of the Lord that does great things and wonders.
The families who deliver themselves to my protection will not be turned away from God, because I will lead them to Him. I come from heaven with my Heart full of love. My Divine Son blesses you and my Immaculate Spouse will shelter you under her pure and holy mantle. Love Jesus and Mary and teach this to your brothers. Today, Heaven is in celebration with all the angels and saints praising my Most Chaste Heart which God has granted to me. All the angels and saints are praying with you all and accompany you. Have faith. Many graces are being dispensed to all of you. Welcome the messages from Heaven and you will find Salvation. I give my blessing to all: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
December 13, 2009 – St. Joseph: Today St. Joseph, who had his Most Chaste Heart exposed, came with the Child Jesus, surrounded with very beautiful angels. St. Joseph was in a white cloak and white tunic and the Child Jesus in a light blue tunic with little shinning stars. He spoke of his Chaste Heart, his life with Jesus and Mary, his death, and his assumption into Heaven.
The peace of Jesus be with you all! My beloved son, today the Lord sent me from Heaven to bless you all. You and your brothers must understand the great graces he sends you. They are special graces. My presence here this night is a great gift from God for all of humanity. As I have told you, he wants to make me well known and loved in the world. I am here before you with my Most Chaste Heart full of the Omnipotent's love. Pray always and trust. Trust and faith attract great blessings from heaven. God is calling you to himself – return now! He is merciful and compassionate. His Divine Heart is full of love for you.
My Son, God made great wonders in my life. Of all men, He honored me, glorified me and benefited me with His grace. In truth, what a great grace He gave me in having Jesus and Mary by my side whom I loved so much in this world. How many blessings, graces and virtues my Heart received from their Most Holy Hearts! My life on earth was a continued ecstasy of love. My soul would enter in the most profound contemplation of the mysteries of God, of His salvific works. My soul and my heart were profoundly united to Jesus and Mary.
All of my being belonged to them for I dedicated my life to them – realizing the will of the Father, guided by the Holy Spirit. My Son, the days spent at the side of Jesus and Mary in Nazareth were the most sublime and holy. My soul was included in this mystery of love, being sanctified more and more as our Lord desired it. And when the time came, the hour of my death was a true ecstasy of love.
After my death, I stayed in a place reserved by the Lord, being the one that illuminated all the blessed and elect of God until the moment of the resurrection of my Divine Son Jesus.
On the day of the resurrection of my Son Jesus, The Lord crowned my soul and my body in glory. He took me to Heaven on the day of His ascension and holy is His name. Hosanna to the One who is, who was and who will come! My son, speak to all of my glories and virtues. It is God's will that you manifest it to the world. Pray, pray, pray and God will illuminate you. I am at your side and I bless you, as well as all humanity: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
October 27, 2010 – Our Lord Jesus: Today is the date of the nativity of St. Joseph. I saw Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph. The three showed me their illuminated Blessed Hearts. They were all dressed in gold. It was Jesus who gave me the message:
My peace be with you all! My son, spread the devotion of St. Joseph to the world. The world needs to know how powerful he is in Heaven, interceding for all of you before my throne. Tell your brothers it is the will of the King of Heaven and earth. Whoever honors my Father Joseph will always find themselves in my Divine Heart. I bless you all and I tell you not to loose time in converting. Whoever does not fight for their conversion now runs the risk to be taken by the tribulations of the world that are at the doorstep.
Come close to the Blessed Virgin Mary and my Father Joseph so that you may learn to belong to me evermore. Manaus (Brazil) deserves to be severely punished, because of its horrible and numerous crimes, but my justice was detained thanks to the intervention of my Mother Mary and of my Father Joseph. Pray, pray, pray and listen to the appeals Heaven is giving you, and you will all receive my blessing and mercy. I, the Savior of the world, with the Queen of Heaven and Earth and with my Father Joseph, the Protector of Holy Church and of all families, bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Right after, I saw St. Joseph all illuminated in front of St. Peter's Basilica. From there, St. Joseph blessed the Church and the whole world, by Jesus’ order. I understood God was asking me to quicken His will for the consecration of the Church and the world to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. It is very important that this appeal of his reaches the Pope as soon as possible, so that the desires of his Most Chaste Heart be realized.
Many are sick, especially the men of this generation: a perverse generation, effeminate and promiscuous, that needs to convert, following the example and imitating the virtues of the Chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This consecration of the Church and the world to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will bring a shower of graces and blessings upon humanity which is so depraved and destroyed in its purity and in its Christian values.
March 13, 2011 – Edson: In the prayer meeting with my friends at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Fortaleza, during communion I saw St. Joseph having the Child Jesus in his arms. He appeared to bless us. He was very happy and was in the place where his image was located near the altar. Today's message is personal and I cannot divulge it. Oh, how St. Joseph is full of goodness and kindness.
​June 8, 2011 – The Child Jesus: We celebrated today St. Joseph's Assumption into Heaven. St. Joseph told me that this fact of his life should be commemorated on the Wednesday after the Ascension Day of his Son Jesus. Today the Holy Family has appeared. The Child Jesus was in St. Joseph’s arms and spoke. He had the apparent age of a one-and-a-half-year-old boy, and, although He was so small, spoke majestically like a king.
Peace to all of you! My son, spread the devotion to the Three Hearts in the world. This devotion was born from the depths of My Sacred Heart and is an inexhaustible source of graces for sinful humanity. This devotion comes to heal the wounded and exhausted humanity, to open it to the grace of God. I came from Heaven with My Most Holy Mother and with My Virgin Father Joseph to bless you and to tell you that if you want blessings and protection from Heaven, you have to honor, to love, and to praise our Sacred Hearts united: by this your life will be enlightened and wrapped in divine light and grace.
The world deserves a flood of chastisements, but through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, My justice is still held back. Make reparation and pray for the mercy of My Heart for you and for the world. He who is not humble does not understand our Holy presence among you; those who are humble have grace and will understand the mysteries and the presence of God. There are those who pray, but few do so with love. Prayers made with the heart full of sin and imperfections *, cannot go up to Heaven. Pray, convert, and change your lives: that your prayers will have value before our Three Hearts united. I love you and I bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Child Jesus opened His arms and in His hands appeared the Scapular of St. Joseph. He showed me how it is important to make this scapular known to all humanity, especially to young people. The demon hates this scapular and does not want it to be widespread; But the Child Jesus made me understand that this is a grace granted to the whole of humanity. The enemy will not be able to prevent the spread of this devotion: in fact the message of the Three Sacred Hearts and devotion to St. Joseph are spreading rapidly in many places in the world that I still do not know, but that I will come to know shortly. Jesus will do great miracles because this devotion grows strongly in the world, and the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph is more beloved and honored, beside His Most Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
*Here I understand that Jesus spoke of imperfections and referred to those who did nothing to change. We are all still imperfect and we can pray badly. Jesus wants to make us understand the immense value of the effort we make to correct ourselves, to change our lives, to follow, listen, and put into practice the counsel of the Church and of His Mother. On the contrary, those who do not strive to correct their mistakes lose so much grace and suffer many spiritual injuries and wounds. "The true remedy for the wounds of humanity, both material and hunger as well as injustice and psychological and moral reasons caused by false prosperity, is a rule of life based on fraternal love and which has its origins in the love of God. That is why we have to abandon the arrogance and violence used to obtain positions of greater power to ensure success at any cost” (Benedict XVI).
July 16, 2011 – Edson: Today, ten years have passed since the first appearance of the Holy Family in the church of Sciacca in Italy; On that occasion, we were taught the devotion the scapular of St. Joseph. Ten years have passed. Ten years of grace and blessings granted by God to all those who honor the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph as He wishes. The scapular of St. Joseph is the remedy that God gives humanity to helping men to become saints. The scapular defends us against impure temptations, against prostitution, against adultery and sins that destroy the sanctity of a soul and the dignity of a family. Those who use it will receive great thanks from the Heart of Saint Joseph to live a just, chaste, and holy life in the eyes of God, imitating the virtues of St. Joseph. In the eyes of men it may seem impossible. How can a scapular obtain all this from the good Lord? But let us not forget that nothing is impossible for God and if He Himself has asked us to honor St. Joseph in this way, it is because He wants to heal the wounded and contempt humanity in the root of the soul. Humanity that has lost the image and the pure and holy resemblance of God, by sin, immersing himself in carnal sins. God wants us to be saved: therefore, we must not question the remedies and means offered by Him for such purposes, for all that He does is holy and for the sake of all His children.
December 25, 2011 – Edson: Our Lady has appeared holding the Baby Jesus in her arms, beside St. Joseph. They had golden robes. Our Lady looked at Jesus for a few moments and silently conversed. The Child Jesus with His hands touched the face of Our Lady and she smiled and lovingly gave Him a kiss on the forehead. St. Joseph drew in closer to them and put his right arm around Our Lady, his hand on her right shoulder. He embraced his Spouse and Son and brought them in closer to His Heart. From these acts of love, I realized that the family today needs dialogue, tenderness, love, openness between spouses and between parents and their children. The Holy Family has come to teach us how to live love in families and how to care for each other.
February 2, 2012 – Edson: This morning at 4.00 am I woke up and I had a vision. It was not a dream; it was very real. I saw Jesus and St. Joseph descending from Heaven. Jesus had a white tunic and a red mantle, while St. Joseph on his white tunic wore a brown mantle. Below, a man in the sky dressed in white with a dark yellow mantle descended from the sky. St. Joseph invited him to come closer: “Come Joachim!”
I understood that it was St. Joachim, father of Our Lady. He approached, taking in his hands my right foot that I had injured the previous evening. At his touch the pain disappeared. Jesus then glanced at me and I realized that they were now returning Heaven, and I asked Jesus:
“Jesus, do not You bless us?”
I was referring to the city of Manacapuru, which hosted us, to the people who welcomed the image of Our Lady, the parish, and the families of that city. Jesus went away, as if He had not heard me. Then I asked Jesus again: “Jesus, do You not bless us?” Once again, Jesus seemed not to hear me. Then I took courage, and with a leap, I clutched onto the bottom hem of His robe and pulled on it: “Jesus, do not You bless us?”
Jesus turned slowly and looked me in the eyes: He did not seem to understand. I looked into His beautiful and merciful eyes, and with a sad heart, I fervently prayed: “Jesus, do not you bless us?”
With a beautiful smile, full of love and mercy, He gave me, and the city of Manacapuru, His blessing. Jesus wants us to insist on asking of Him, in faith, and nothing will be denied. I understood that He gave us all, and the city of Manacapuru, God’s special blessing, which allowed St. Joseph to speak St. Joachim to act, to make us understand that He gives us graces through the Saints. We too must respect the authority of the family hierarchy. St. Joachim is indeed His grandfather, and the father-in-law to St. Joseph. Jesus allowed them to intercede in this apparition.
May 19, 2012 – Our Lady: Our Lady came with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph. Peace, my beloved children! I come from Heaven with my Son Jesus and St. Joseph to bless you and give you peace. My children, have deep love for our Most Holy Hearts, and your families will be healed and free from all evil. God desires to grant great graces to your families, but you must pray, pray, pray, because in prayer God transforms your souls and makes you men and women of faith. My children, have faith! God is always at your side to help you and bless you. I, your Mother, welcome your families into my Heart.
My Son Jesus also wants your hearts to be open to the love of St. Joseph. God wants the devotion to St. Joseph to be spread all over the world, because God wants to save your families. St. Joseph accompanies me today and is here, alongside my divine Son, because through Him, many graces of peace and conversion will be granted to the world. I thank the priests and all of you and I tell you that today your families have received a special blessing! I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son. And the Holy Spirit. Amen!
May 23, 2012 – St. Joseph: The Holy Family has appeared. The Child Jesus was in the arms of St. Joseph who spoke first. Peace be with you! I am among the righteous of the Lord, the protector of your families. Jesus sends me here to tell you that He loves you and that, through my Chaste Heart, He would like to send you many graces. I lay my cloak over each of you. Pray, pray, pray, I intercede before my Divine Son for your needs and afflictions. Have faith. Confidently trust in the Lord's protection. God wants to help humanity that has departed from His Divine Heart and, through the apparitions of my Most Holy Spouse and myself, invites all humanity to conversion. I bless the priests and bless the whole Church. I bless you in the name of the Father and the Son. And the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Then Our Lady added: My children, be devoted to the Chaste Heart of Joseph, and God will grant you great graces. Thank you for being here. I and my Spouse Joseph intercede before Jesus for you, for your families, and for all humanity. Open your Hearts, pray with love. God wants to save your families and grant them peace. Live my messages and spread them to all those who need the Lord's love. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Spirit. Holy. Amen!
June 3, 2012 – Our Lady: Today the Holy Family appeared. They were dressed in golden tunics because it was the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. St. Joseph had the Child Jesus in his arms, and Our Lady was on his right and gave us the following message:
My children, Jesus, I and St. Joseph are here before you to bless and welcome your families in our Most Holy Hearts. Glorify the Holy Name of the Lord. Give glory to God and be grateful for His great love and mercy. My children, always pray with more faith and love.
God wants the conversion of humanity, but many of my children do not listen to my messages and commit terrible sins. God grants many graces to France, but many do not have faith because they let themselves be fooled by Satan and the things of the world.
Children wake up! Satan wants to destroy your families. Do not let yourself be blinded by him. Fight against all evil and be God's men and women. Open your hearts and repent of your sins. This is the time of conversion. Open your hearts and you will find the peace and love of God. I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Child Jesus held a large bunch of roses, representing graces, and handed over to St. Joseph to distribute to those who wanted them.
St. Joseph gave us the following message: I bless your families and, by the command of my Son Jesus, I grant you the graces of my Most Chaste Heart. My Heart is open, take all the graces from it. Jesus wants to make the French a people of faith and prayer. Ask for my help and be devoted to my Heart and God will grant you many graces. I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen!
June 13, 2012 – St. Joseph: St. Joseph appeared with the Child Jesus, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Jesus sends me here to bless you and to put you under my protective cloak. My divine Son loves you and desires your salvation. Be of Jesus with all your being. Offer your hearts to Jesus so He may give you peace. Children, my love I give to you as I ask you to testify to God's love to your brothers and give them your love and help. Do not close your hearts to those who suffer and need the light and grace of God. Learn to be merciful so that you may deserve the mercy of God.
Pray for the Church! Jesus asks you this evening for intense prayers for the Church because of great danger which threatens her. The dark clouds of sin and confusion are trying to destroy the Church, which will emerge victorious from this great trial and persecution, because I will defend her, I will save her from great dangers by the order of my divine Son. When all seems lost and Satan believes that he has won, my Son through my intercession, will accomplish a great miracle in favor of the Holy Church and men will remember my intervention and will honor my Chaste Heart. Pray, pray, pray for this is the request of the King of Heaven and earth for all of you, my children: I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I was very happy to hear these last words of St. Joseph. They have increased my confidence and my strength to pursue my mission: to spread devotion to his Chaste Heart. Many have not yet understood this devotion because they have not yet entered the logic of God's thought.
June 20, 2012, Feast of the Chaste Heart – St. Joseph: St. Joseph came with the Child Jesus in his arms and they both showed their Most Holy Hearts. They were surrounded by twelve white angel angels, who, with their hands clasped, worshiped Jesus and revered at St. Joseph as a gesture of respect for his person.
The Peace of my Divine Son to you all! Love, love Jesus because it will bring peace to your lives. The Lord, King of Heaven and earth, is here in my arms to bless you. Your blessing passes from generation to generation so that your families are sanctified in this love. My Divine Son loves families and wishes them to honor my Chaste Heart. If they will obey this divine request, how much He will do for these families! Families, wake up! Come near to my Heart and be thankful to receive graces from Heaven. Come, come and receive the graces that the Lord wishes to give you. Come, and find consolation and peace, light and blessing, for in my Heart you will find these graces. Open your hearts to the love of God and He will allow your hearts to be penetrated with the love of the Holy Spirit and so, His mercy will envelop you and free you from all evil. Pray, pray, pray, and God's peace will rule the world. I love you and bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
St. Joseph appeared a little higher than the roses that adorned the altar, and the Child Jesus asked me to approach and touch his feet. The Child Jesus then asked that all those present, before returning home, kiss the image of St. Joseph, His virginal father, as an act of love and devotion to his Most Chaste Heart. Then slowly they began to ascend slowly up to the sky, accompanied by the angels, who, in deep silence and great respect, prayed as they made their procession upward.
October 27, 2012 – Our Lady: The Blessed Virgin, who was accompanied by St. Joseph and the Child Jesus, gave me the message. St. Joseph also spoke with me about personal and special things.
Peace, my beloved children, peace! With my Immaculate Heart, full of God's love, I come from Heaven to bless your families who need so many divine graces. My children, who I love so much, convert yourselves.
Make use of every day to convert and change your lives. Do not turn away from the call of God. God calls you to Him. This is no longer the time to look back and sorrow for the things that we must leave to follow my Son Jesus, but now is the time to hear the voice of my Divine Son. Pray many Rosaries for the world and for peace. With my maternal intercession, I keep great calamities from falling upon the earth.
I ask that you honor the Heart of my Spouse St. Joseph. God has sent him into the world to be of help and protection for those who want to do His Most Holy Will. For those who have been faithful, there will never be disappointment and abandonment because St. Joseph, with his intercession before the throne of God, will receive great graces for the world. I bless each of you, and your families, with a special blessing. I bless those who are here for the first time. I bless my religious children at my disposal as well as all my children in the world. I welcome you into my Heart and bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
March 19, 2013 – St. Joseph: Peace to all of you! I come by order of the Lord to bless you and bring you peace. If you want peace you must witness to it in life by forgiving and promoting the love and mercy of God with your brothers. If you and your families want to be blessed by God, you must learn to bless your neighbor with all your hearts and not criticize or curse him. God is in love, in peace and in union. God is not in those souls who are proud and who think themselves to be superior, but only those who seek Him with humility, with a free and detached heart, in the spirit of obedience.
Learn to be like God. Imitate my virtues and deliver yourselves to my Chaste Heart, and I will present you before His Divine throne. Do not be men and women who live for the world, but who accept eternal truths and put them into practice. Pray, pray, pray because without faith and without prayer you will not be of God.
Receive the graces of Heaven in these times, because they will sanctify you and sanctify all humanity. I bless you and I keep you under my protective cloak. I bless the Pope and all the holy Church. I am with the Pope of my Divine Son to help him, protect him, and bless him always. And I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen!
May 20, 2013 – St. Joseph: I prayed before the image of St. Joseph with the baby Jesus, when I saw the feet of the baby Jesus begin to move and come alive before me. The image had disappeared and St. Joseph said:
I thank you my dear son for coming here before me to beg God's blessings for you and your brothers. Tell your brothers that I am benevolent, that my Chaste Heart watches for the salvation and conversion of all. Jesus allows me to grant great graces to those who have recourse to my intercession and my protection.
My Son Jesus, so holy and divine, blesses in a special way all those who spread my glories and my paternal love. Those who so love me and honor me will not be forgotten. These children will never see the flames of hell, but the glory of Heaven!
June 5, 2013 – St. Joseph: The peace of Jesus to you all! Here I am here before you to welcome you to my Chaste Heart. Come, come in to my Heart, consecrate yourselves to me with love every day, and I will protect you from the evils that the world brings you. Open your hearts to the love of God. Be obedient to His commandments. Do not be cold and foolish in the face of God's love. This love so pure and so holy wants to penetrate your hearts that are hardened by your sins.
This is the time that God gives you so many graces. It is the time when the gates of Heaven are open to flood the world with many blessings, for the salvation of all those who want to do the will of God and who put into practice all that my Divine Son has taught you in the Gospel.
Pray, pray. A family who does not pray is spiritually dead and will never be able to walk on the way of the Lord. Families, be all of God. Consecrate yourselves to my Heart and I will give you my protection and lead you to the merciful Heart of my Son Jesus. Blessings today all those who keep the Lord's appeals in their hearts. I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
June 12, 2013, Feast of the Most Chaste Heart – St. Joseph: Peace, my beloved children! Jesus sends me here with my most holy Spouse to bless you and to protect you. Be of the Lord with all your strength. Do not be children who are disobedient and ungrateful to the great love of the Father of Heaven. God wants the salvation of your families.
Oh, humanity, come back to the good path. Receive the appeals of God with love, for every message is a grace that He gives to the world as a sign of love. Children, enter my Chaste Heart, and confide in me. Do not wait to convert, the time is now.
The world is in sin and many do not want to give up the wrong they do because they are blind. Use prayer to illuminate your lives and souls. Prayer is the source of grace in your homes when you allow the Lord to heal your hearts by opening them to His peace, His love. I come here tonight to tell you, by the order of my Divine Son, that this is the time of your return to Him.
The Church is living through great trials, but I drape my protective cloak over it and pray for it all before the Heart of My Son Jesus. Receive my words and live the messages that I have sent you throughout these years. Open your hearts now because God passes through you with His graces.
Do not despise these graces, but welcome them and everything will change. I, together with my most holy Spouse, put all of you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Courage! With your prayers will come the triumph of good over evil, in your cities and in your families. I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen!
June 19, 2013 – St. Joseph: Today St. Joseph came with the Baby Jesus in his arms. Around him were twelve Angels clothed in white, harmoniously forming a circle, like an angelic crown. St. Joseph gave the following message:
The peace of my Son Jesus to you all! Saint Joseph, by order of the Child Jesus, approached the front of the altar of the Church. The Baby Jesus then asked me to kiss the church floor three times in front of the altar. He asked me to make with my tongue an enormous cross on the floor as an act of reparation. Shortly thereafter, St. Joseph touched the Church floor with his feet, and as he did so he became more radiant by that divine light that surrounds him that came from the Child Jesus. Raising his right hand as a sign of protection and blessing said:
I am the Protector of the Holy Church and the Protector of Families! I speak to the whole Church, particularly to the Pope, and to the whole world. My Divine Son sends me from Heaven to grant His love and peace to His people. Today, to make me better known and loved in the whole Church and in the whole world, He asks everyone to invoke me and pray for my intercession. Do not fear, holy people of the Lord! Behold, the Divine Mercy is preparing His Church for these new times, preparing those who truly honor His Holy Name and who obey His Holy Laws.
Today I bless the Holy Father in a special way, and ask him to show the Church, and the world, the love of my Chaste Heart. He must make my Chaste Heart known, quickly. God has made my Heart a new source of grace for sinful humanity, so wounded and dejected because of the consequences of their crimes and their disobedience to God. Jesus is asking that His priests show more love for my Heart. By doing so, they will learn how to defend and live the eternal truths.
Today, I tell you that I protect you, holy people of God; I will plead for the Holy Church and I will pray for Her before the Lord of Heaven and Earth, so that She may be strong in the trials and in the face of the dangers that threaten Her, so that She may shine strongly, destroying the darkness that surrounds Her, for the humiliation of Satan and of your enemies, in these times of great spiritual battle. Be faithful to God. Be true witnesses of my Son Jesus Christ. Be those who live and put into practice the teachings of Jesus and the Church.
God does not want the sins of impurity to continue, instead He wants sanctified lives. He wants people to offer themselves day and night for the salvation of the world. Have these words in your hearts, have in your lives the teachings that God communicated to you for many years through the apparitions of my Immaculate Spouse in many parts of the world.
It is time for you to return to God and for you to give your truthful “yes” to Him. Not a fearful “yes”, but a strong and brave “yes”, because God is with you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I then prayed a few prayers and I felt in my heart that St. Joseph asked me to pray for all the families that are sick and spiritually wounded, those who do not live in the grace of God. He then said:
Pray, pray as a true family of God and the King of Heaven will one day grant the crown of glory to those who live and believe in His words and His promises, because God is always faithful even when you are not faithful to what He asks of them. Change your life. God calls you to conversion. It is time to repent and leave your nets to follow the Savior when His voice resounds in your hearts and calls you to Him. I love and bless you!
June 23, 2013 – Our Lord Jesus: After three days of spiritual retreat, many people have consecrated themselves to the three Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Many people from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy came to Sticna with some priests. Jesus, who appeared today with Our Lady and St. Joseph, and they showed their most Holy Hearts that radiated flames, spoke:
Peace from Our Most Holy Hearts to all of you! My priests and my beloved children, here is My Heart, a furnace of love, a source of life and grace for many souls. My Heart love the world and is a source of grace for these days, through the Immaculate Heart of My Most Holy Mother and through the Chaste Heart of My father, Joseph. Jesus then pointed to the Hearts of Mary and Joseph.
These Most Holy Hearts are united to Mine in one love and, as we are united in love, you too are united to us in this love. My Sacred Heart is consoled by your consecration to our Most Holy Hearts. My son, see how valuable it is to sacrifice for the salvation of souls. See how valuable it is to commit to the Kingdom of God.
Here, in this country so far away from yours, you have left your home, your family and your loved ones in order to spread the love of our Hearts to souls. I tell you that here too you met your brothers, your family: the new family that will form a crown of roses and lilies around our Most Holy Hearts. Souls will arise from the desire to be God's, and God will dwell with them because He has found a dwelling place in their hearts. Here, today, you have seen the light of love emanate from the flames of our Three Sacred Hearts. These flames will set fire in all places, pure and holy fire that will destroy the kingdom of Satan in many souls who will receive the call of God and will turn to His most holy will.
I thank all the priests who have consecrated themselves to our Most Holy Hearts, and I promise that they will shine in the glory of My Kingdom for all eternity. I bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
As Jesus gave us His blessing, I saw many hearts rising up and entering the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. They welcomed these hearts and then, holding their hearts in their hands, they placed them in the Sacred Heart of Jesus which was shining brighter than the sun! The Heart of Mary, pierced by the sword of sorrow, was surrounded by roses and the Heart of St. Joseph surrounded by white lilies. The Sacred Heart of Jesus had an open wound and a cross over it. But He was without the crown of thorns because He was consoled by our consecration to His Heart and to those of His Most Holy Mother and St. Joseph.
July 16, 2013 – Our Lord Jesus: The Holy Family, on July 14, 2000, asked me to make the scapular of St. Joseph known. Many years have passed and the Lord continues to give great thanks to those who bring him with faith and love.
My peace be with you! My children, I'm here once again to welcome you into my heart. I still ask you to pray for the Holy Church and the priests. Priests fall because they listen to satan who approaches by ruining their souls. Wake up children, join in prayer, and intercede for the priests! Through them I can heal the wounds of your souls and send the peace you need. Priests, do not fall! Get up!
I have given you great grace, my children, the scapular of My father Joseph, a sign of the protection, of the grace and of the blessing of our Most Holy Hearts. This scapular is a gift to souls who love God and a grace that helps many to remain faithful to the holy path that leads to Heaven. Those who use and carry with them the scapular of My father Joseph will not meet their deaths in My justice, but rather My mercy. Accept this scapular with love and divulge it as fast as possible for the salvation of many souls. Pray, pray, pray, and meet My merciful face that shines upon you. I bless you all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen!
May 22, 2014 – Our Lady: Today the Holy Family has come. Our Lady had a white veil and blue dress. St. Joseph was wearing a light brown coat and a beige garment and the baby Jesus, who was in the arms of St. Joseph, had a light green tunic with golden stars. The Blessed Virgin gave the message.
Peace be with you! My children I am here before you with my Son Jesus and St. Joseph to ask you to continue praying for the world, for families and for peace. Do not leave prayer aside, but let prayer shine in your homes as a great light that will transform your lives. God loves you and wants to save you. Let His blessing come to your hearts and allow His love to be the strength and life of your souls.
My children, help your brothers to turn to God, help your brothers rise up to the life of grace by praying for them and bringing my messages to them. I love you and join my Son Jesus and St. Joseph in blessing you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Most Holy Virgin and St. Joseph then prayed the “Glory Be” and asked that the Child Jesus bestow His peace, His love and His blessing upon our homes, and that we be given the graces to know to always place Him in the center of our lives.
March 19, 2015 – St. Joseph: Today the Holy Family appeared, all dressed in white, Our Lady had the Child Jesus in her arms and St. Joseph was beside them. It was he who gave the message:
The peace of Jesus to you all. My dear son once again I come to bring my message to all humanity by the order Jesus, my divine Son. This is the time you have been given to decide for God and the road that leads to Heaven.
Difficult times are coming to the Church and the world, but do not be afraid, I offer you all my protection and will wrap you in my cloak. Here is my Most Chaste Heart, my heart full of love for you. It shines by spreading the rays of blessings, graces and virtues to all of you. Pray that you be made worthy to receive these graces that God wants to give to you through my intercession. I intercede for the good of humanity, for the conversion and salvation of sinners.
God loves you and wants you to be more obedient to his call of love. Do not delude yourself with the things of the world because they are passing. Dedicate yourself to the Kingdom of Heaven, do not waste your time anymore.
I love you and bless you, and your families, united with my Divine Son and my Immaculate Spouse, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
March 19, 2016 – St. Joseph and Our Lady: Peace to your heart! My son, enter my Heart that you may feel the warmth of the love of God. Enter my Heart to learn to be of God. Enter my Heart to belong totally to God. Through my Heart I want to lead you to God, that you may fully experience the grace and love by which He has inflamed it. Through devotion to my Heart which has been revealed to you, you are helping to lead innumerable souls to Heaven.
My Heart watches over you, and over all those who have recourse to my protection. My son, my Heart welcomes you, warms you, and strengthens you when you are weary, do not be discouraged because we still have so many souls save for the kingdom of Heaven.
The mission of the one who trusts and offers himself up to the hands of the Lord will never end, but will continue for eternity in Heaven. They are to shine upon the lives of many, illuminating and showing to everyone the path of salvation that leads to God.
God has chosen you and has called you. He is always watching over you and is preparing you to make me known and loved by the whole world. The graces I am obtaining for you will allow you to faithfully carry out your mission in this world, to help the souls who approach you to come to know the love of my Heart, and my protection.
I am giving my blessing and my protection over your family, and I am interceding for it before the Lord. I also welcome everyone who you have entrusted to my Heart. I give you my peace and my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Afterwards, the Most Holy Mother gave this message: My son, God wants the Heart of my husband, Joseph, to be invoked, known and loved by all souls. Families who consecrate themselves to his Heart will receive a profusion of grace from Heaven, and will be preserved from many evils, as Divine Justice is about to fall upon mankind.
Brazil's peace is in danger. Pray always for the Brazilian people! There are bad men hiding in secret and one day soon many of my children will suffer. My spouse and I pray before the throne of God, for all the families that will be in danger, that they might pass through the great sufferings to come.
Worship and adore before the Blessed Sacrament. Pray for forgiveness of your sins, and for divine mercy on you, the Brazilian people, and for the whole world. Take your Rosaries, and pray with more faith and love! I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
October 27, 2016 – St. Joseph: The peace of my Son Jesus to all of you! My children, I am praying for you every day before the Divine Heart of Jesus. I am the protector of your families! Receive the love of God in your hearts, receive His light and His love so that every darkness of sin will perish forever from your lives. Be faithful and obedient to God, for time passes, but many are blind and asleep. Live the messages that have been given to you!
I give you my blessing, and I place in my Heart those who truly want to live the Lord’s teachings with love and faith. Be faithful to God, convert and change your lives! Free yourselves from sin, and do not stray from God’s ways, for the Devil is always ready to ambush, and he wants to devour the souls of those who are disobedient to God's commandments. Escape from the snares of the Devil! Repent and confess, and the Lord will have Mercy on you.
The Devil wants to make war and bring death to so many people! You must intercede for the sake of humanity, so that hatred and violence depart from their hearts. When the world is found to be in a dense darkness, disoriented, without faith and without light, when eternal truths will be despised more than they already are, the strong arm of God will strike humanity as never before, and the world will weep. Come under my protective cloak, enter my Most Chaste Heart, and you will be protected during the times of great justice. Do not despise this message, open your hearts, pray, pray a lot, and God will bless you. Return to your homes with the peace of our three united Hearts united. I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
January 2, 2017 – St. Joseph: The peace of Jesus to you and your families! My children, I am here with my Son Jesus and my Immaculate Spouse, to give you my blessing. I want to shelter and protect your families within my holy cloak and I want to carry you all in my Pure and Chaste Heart. Be of God in this world, so that one day you may belong to the kingdom of Heaven. I am here to help bring you to God, and to encourage you to not miss this opportunity of conversion that God offers you here, at Itapiranga. Here in this place, Satan is being defeated, and he is losing power over the souls that were far from God, and who were once lost in a life of sin. Come to this place, blessed by our holy presence, to receive the graces of Heaven that God offers you through our Most Holy Hearts.
Do not waste time, learn to be of God now, because He is calling you to a life of holiness and peace! Be witnesses of Jesus' peace to your brothers, and His light will shine for all as the source of life and salvation. I who am united to my Divine Son and to my Immaculate Spouse, bless you: in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen!