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chaste heart of st joseph THE BOOK OF JO

From the Moving Hearts website: Born on the Feast of the Epiphany in 1977, Louis Christropher Courtis is a member of the Ukranian Catholic Orthodox Church. He lives with his parents and works as a substitute teacher’s aide. He has had no formal religious training. Our Lady began appearing to him privately in 1995 and Our Lord in 1997.

During the apparitions, Chris, in a state of ecstasy, receives messages from the saints and repeats their message word for word. Occasionally Chris describes what he is seeing in the apparition in his own words. The messages are tape recorded as they are spoken, transcribed, and reviewed by Chris’ spiritual director before being released.

Chris is under the spiritual direction of a Catholic priest. The bishop of the diocese has been notified of the apparitions but has not made any comment or initiated any investigation. 


Related here are the messages from St. Joseph:


June 9, 2001 – ST. JOSEPH: Praised and blessed be God Most High through His Son, Jesus Christ. I am he who loved poverty. I am he who was married to the most holy and perfect Virgin Mary .I am the Saint of all Saints. I am St. Joseph, the loving foster father of Jesus .I come today, sent by God, the Holy Trinity, and by your loving mother, Mary to deliver a very important message for all of mankind. While I lived on the earth, I was quiet and hidden among men. Now today, in this world, in this time, I am compelled to try and help you. I come with my spouse, and your mother, the Blessed Mother Mary. Wherever she is, I am also with her. So faithful am I to my spouse that I have abandoned all things to be with her. You have heard her warnings. You have all heard her speak the words of her son Jesus, who is Christ. Now I, the most quiet among men, am ready to speak.


First, I wish to say, that if this world is to be spared from its many calamities that are coming, it must restore the family to the proper place. Let all men know that, once a child is conceived, you are forever the head of that child. You are forever its parent and guardian in this life, and in the next, you take on that of a watchful angel always guarding that child forever. To save the family unit, you must also return to family prayer. Family prayer is everything! It is through this time that the child learns what it means to have true faith. The things that you teach your children today are the things that will impact on his/her future tomorrow. Think of it. What are you teaching your children? If money is all you care about, then so will your children. The mistake of a father or mother will also become that child’s mistake too. Thus it is called the pattern of repetition. The only way to break that pattern for good is to surrender to God, who is Jesus, and pray, pray, pray. Obedience and understanding are the keys to being a good, loving and responsible parent. Teach the children of this world the importance of prayer, faith, hope, charity, and most of all, love, not human love, but God’s love. Only in this way will the family unit be restored and blossom as a new hope and a new beginning before God, your Creator and your Savior. My message is very simple. A mother and father who are filled with love for God and for one another will have children who are also filled with love. Please return the family unit to its proper place. Return the family unit to God. It is only through this that you will all be saved. To the world, I also wish to say, come to me, the lonely carpenter who wishes to intercede for you.


I am the guardian of all virgins, and all the demons in hell fear my name. I will protect you from all attacks of the evil one when you pray and ask me. Just ask. Just as Mary has graces and blessings to shed upon you, so do I. Come to me, my little ones, for I wish to be your guardian and foster father. I am the humble carpenter sent from Heaven to ask you all to return to the living God. I, St. Joseph, the most loving foster father of Jesus, bless you all with the Sign of the Cross and in the Name of Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I extend to you His peace and His love. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thank you for your response, Ad Deum.



July 1, 2001 – ST. JOSEPH: My dear ones, I am the Saint of all Saints. I am St. Joseph. While I lived in this life, I became a model of purity of heart, living in great silence. Today’s world must learn the virtue of being silent. Too many people speak things that they do mean and are hurting the souls of God’s children. My message for the world is simple. It is this. Keep silent and pray. Think about the words you say for words do hurt and offend God. Go in peace, children of God Most High. Ad Deum.



September 13, 2005 – ST. JOSEPH: (At the beginning of the 4th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, St. Joseph appeared unexpectedly.)


My dear little ones, I’ve come to reveal to you a mystery about this mystery, the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple. Look carefully at what I am about to show you.


(It’s a temple. I see Mary holding the Baby Jesus and she left with the priest. They’re in the outer temple, not the inner temple yet. St. Joseph is walking, walking. There’s a corner, it looks like a stand in the outer market place. St. Joseph says, “May I please have two turtle doves, for my son is about to be sacrificed for the sins of the world. These two turtledoves are purchased for him.” The man behind the counter gives him two turtledoves and he pays for them. The money is weird. I can’t describe the money. I don’t know what it is. He takes the turtle doves and he puts them in a cage.


Now he’s walking towards the outer temple and he moves to another side of the temple. A priest is coming up to him. He says, “What is your business with the temple today?” And St. Joseph says, “My business is to redeem my son, to purchase him back for me.” Then the priest says, “In the law of the Lord it is written that either you shall sacrifice a pair of turtledoves or two bullocks or kids of the first year.” Joseph holds up his basket with two turtledoves. Now the priest takes it and he moves them to a side altar. It’s a big pit and there’s flames, there are steps leading up to it. They are going up it. Joseph takes out one of the turtledoves and hands it over to the priest. The priest takes a knife and mimics how Joseph is to kill the dove, and he says, “Now, my son, it is your turn.” St. Joseph then takes the first dove. I think one of them is female and one of them is male, and he kills the first one. The priest sprinkles the blood on the altar and then throws the dove in the fire. Then Joseph gets the other dove, slits its throat, that’s the way they killed it. The priest then takes the dove, sprinkles the blood, and again tosses it into the fire.


There’s something different. Joseph has a serenity about him. The priest is talking to him, but I don’t think St. Joseph can hear him. The priest says, “Well, my son, I shall leave you in your contemplation”, and he walks down the steps.


There’s a light. There’s a light! There’s an angel! It’s Gabriel! St. Joseph kneels now with one knee up and one knee down like in reverence, not a complete kneel to the floor. He’s facing the fire but the angel is standing by St. Joseph’s left. With his right hand he touches his shoulder, and he says,


“Now Son of David, Joseph, you have redeemed and purchased this holy child as your own. Protect him, care for him and watch over him for the rest of your days, for his sorrows shall be you sorrows and his joys your joys. And also the Holy Mother, she too shall bear the seed of joy and sorrow and peace for you. You shall ever be known as the head of the family. Guard carefully the spouse and the child entrusted to you. You have purchased this child as your own son. Accept him as your own son and bring him up in the way of the Lord. And behold this message I give to you, for you shall not live long after the boy turns twenty. He is the Son of God, the living Messiah. He shall save the people from their sins. You have prayed for this and so has His mother. Now He is here and is appointed by God to be the living sacrifice and to reconcile this people to their father. And your name shall henceforth ever be called Blessed St. Joseph, the foster father, provider of this child and spouse of the Holy Mother.”


He touches St. Joseph’s head. I think the angel is praying over him, “in the name of Yahweh.” It’s a blessing from on high, and the angel departs. St. Joseph arises and he goes down the steps. St. Joseph is here! It’s not a vision. He’s actually here now, an apparition. He says,)


Now the message that I wish to give today and to the world is this one. (He’s reaching towards his chest! He’s pulling out his heart! It’s his Most Chaste Heart! And there’s a stick with a lily growing out of it in the midst of the flames of his heart. He says,)


My Son Jesus and the Holy Blessed Virgin Mary desire that there be devotion made to my Most Chaste Heart. Let the world know that Jesus, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Mother no longer desire this devotion to remain hidden. Let all people receive and make the First Wednesdays devotions devoted to my Most Chaste Heart. They will receive purity in abundance, and graces will abide for fathers and all people if they will venerate this chosen, chaste heart of mine. It is through this heart that was there for the mother and there for the Son, I come to ask you to recite the five Joyful Mysteries on Wednesdays and to spend time meditating upon my joys and sorrows, for I was there.


The first five Wednesdays are to be made and are to be venerated beginning in March. Let this be known, that I desire this holy devotion to be practiced. Therefore, you shall make and do four “first devotions.”


1) the First Mondays of God the Father

2) the first Wednesdays of the month, dedicated to my Most Chaste Heart

3) the First Fridays dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

4) the First Saturdays devoted to the Immaculate Heart of your mother.


By these four hearts, we shall save the world. I desire this message be made known to the world, and I am appearing publicly so that it may be made known, for too long have I appeared to other people and had this devotion kept silent. Now it is time. Fathers need a strong role model they can look up to, and they need to know that they can count on me. Graces will abide through this heart for all fathers, which are the head of the household, and therefore to all families. And now I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Consecrate your lives also to my Most Chaste Heart and venerate it often. My heart is placed over you. Venerate it often.



April 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: (Finishing the Glory Be: … as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. It’s St. Joseph. He has dark hair. His eyes are transparent. He’s wearing a gold sash and a light green robe. He has a white cape around him, and he has the Baby Jesus with Him and the Baby Jesus is dressed all in white. He speaks,)


Praised be to Jesus and Mary! Give glory and praise to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit who has allowed me to come in this special way to give to you the great devotion to my Most Chaste Heart. My little ones, before you can have a devotion to my Most Chaste Heart, you must get to know me. This month, the instructions are very simple. Pray to me, talk to me, get to know me. How can you have a great devotion and love for my Chaste Heart when you cannot give to me your hopes, your desires, and your heart - your heart for my heart? Open your heart to me and get to know me. I am with each and every one of you, but it is through prayer that you will get to know me. This is what I desire, for you to form and have a devotion to me. Through this devotion, you will come to understand that I, along with your Heavenly Mother, am another aid for you. I am the great intercessor along with my spouse the Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. I hold the Baby Jesus in my arms to show you that I too can lead you to Him when you put your trust and hope in me. My words are few, yet they are challenging. I call you also to pray the Memorare to St. Joseph* every day along with one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. I am here for all, but first you must get to know me. Let this be, this month, you getting to know me, developing your faith, and coming closer to me. I thank you for your response, and I give you the blessing of Jesus who is with me. (Jesus and St. Joseph are blessing us, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.) Go in peace. Go in peace.


[After the prayers, Chris described St. Joseph in these words:] (His complexion is olive, sort of like a Mediterranean look. He has hair down a little past his neck. It’s wavy and kinda curls and falls off to the side and then curls again. He has nice looking eyebrows, thick for a man. His eyes are transparent, which means that if he’s looking at you and you’re wearing blue, his eyes look blue. If he looks at somebody who wears brown, they look brown. His beard is not overly thick ... He wore a gold sash clipped at the neck of the robe, hanging all the way down to the bottom of the robe. St. Joseph’s robe is light green with a white cape. And Jesus was on his right side, dressed all in white and very cute.)


MEMORARE: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary and my dearly beloved guardian, St. Joseph, that never was it known that anyone who invoked your care and requested your help was left without consolation. Inspired with this confidence, I come to you, and with all the ardor of my spirit I commend myself to you. Do not reject my prayer, O foster father of the Savior, but graciously receive and answer it. Amen.



May 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: (St. Joseph is here. He has dark black hair and it’s wavy, it curls in the front. His hair comes to his shoulders. He has beautiful transparent eyes. He is Mediterranean looking, dark complexion. He has a beard. It’s not as thick as Jesus’. He has a long white robe or garment, and there’s a gold buckle that holds a green sash at the neckline. He has a cape that’s white and flows all the way down to his feet which are on a cloud. He says,)


My dear children, I come, my little ones, in the name of Jesus and Mary. Give glory and praise to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Amen. My little ones, today I invite you to the protection that you all seek. The protection is in my Most Chaste and Pure Heart. Consecrate yourselves to my heart, and you will be forever protected. I will be your protector, your father, and I will help you to stand strong in times of adversity and disbelief. You ask yourselves, “How do I seek this protection, this great blessing?” I say, repeat this prayer always when you pray, and you will be protected. The prayer is: Oh, Most Chaste and Pure Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate myself to your heart where all souls shall be protected. For love of thee, I surrender to thee, Amen. It is a simple prayer, so short and simple that anyone, anywhere, in any language can pray this prayer. (He’s smiling, he says,) For that reason I have kept it simple.


And now, my little ones, I desire you to understand how important devotion to my chaste heart is. Pray, pray, pray, and surrender! Through my Most Chaste Heart, I will teach you how to live in the Divine Will. Understand me correctly, my little ones, through God the Father’s Sacred Heart, He gives to you the grace and the gift of His Divine Will. Through consecration to my Most Chaste Heart, I shall teach you how to live in the Divine Will. I have given to you many words from Heaven, and now I invite you to prayer and to contemplate what has already been said. I bless you in the name of Jesus and Mary, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. I will take your petitions to your most holy mother, and she will present them to Our Lord. Thank you for your response. Go in the great peace of God. Ad Deum.


June 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: (St. Joseph is here and he’s with the Baby Jesus. He’s cuddling Him. He’s holding Him in his right arm. St. Joseph says,)


Give praise and glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, Amen. Praise be to Jesus and to Mary, your Most Holy Mother. My dear ones, I come today to invite you to have more faith, trust, and devotion to my Most Chaste Heart.


You ask what graces and favors will be granted to the world and to you when they are consecrated to my heart? Those who consecrate themselves to my heart will receive first, the grace of purity, and second, they will also receive the grace of holiness, and the third, joy.


These are the three graces that I will give to those who consecrate themselves to my loving and Most Chaste Heart. I will protect all those who lovingly embrace this devotion on the First Wednesdays five consecutive months. (beginning in March) My little ones, God wishes to reveal to you my Most Chaste Heart, full of purity, full of love. It was in my purity and love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus that granted me the opportunity to not only hold the Savior in my arms, not only to be the spouse of Mary, but to grow in the Divine Will. When I say trust, I say to you to take a risk. Blindly consecrate yourselves to me and totally abandon yourselves to my heart, and I will protect you, and teach you how to live in the Divine Will. My little ones, do you not wish to be pure? Do you not wish to be holy? Do you not wish to receive the joy that you originally had in the beginning? Come to me, for all those who embrace this devotion to my Chaste Heart also have the blessings and graces of my little son Jesus.


I am the head of the Holy Family so anything you ask of me, being the head, I will pray and intercede for all your needs. I take your petitions into my heart and I will present them to Our Blessed Mother who will then give them to the Holy Trinity. I bless you, my dear little ones, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and I thank you. Now go in the peace of God.



July 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: My dear little ones, Give praise and glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit who has allowed me to come and to be with you in this special way. My dear little ones, today, I desire you to understand that I am the Saint of All Saints. As the Saint of All Saints I am also your protector, your guardian in this life and in the next when you consecrate yourself to my Most Chaste Heart.


I offer protection from all evil, from evil spirits, and from the attack of the devil when you practice and have a devotion to my Most Chaste Heart. To the souls who will open their hearts to me, I will pour graces into their hearts and into their souls, namely purity and chastity. I desire, my little ones to be chaste in heart as well as in body. The most pleasing to God is a heart that is able to be chaste in the virtues of love, mercy, purity, and forgiveness. This is truly where the Holy Spirit is invited to dwell and where I can pour forth my graces to you. Therefore, open your hearts daily in prayer before the image of my Most Chaste Heart.


Understand also, my little ones, that through your Blessed Mother, she’s preparing you to receive my purity and chastity. She opens your heart through her merciful love so that I can enter. There in the silence and depth of your heart I shall teach you how to live quietly, peacefully, and in union with God and with each other. The union that I speak of comes by being close to God. By prayer and by fasting draw closer to God and then you shall understand the unity that I speak of. I am with you to protect you on your journey from all attacks from the evil one. You must surrender and have complete trust and confidence, not only in my Most Chaste Heart which desires to protect you, save you, and enlighten you, but you also must have faith and trust in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


I am here to guide all those who desire to be guided. I wish my Most Chaste Heart and its devotion be placed along side the devotion to the Sacred Heart of God the Father, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to my most beloved spouse, Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Have devotion to these four hearts and receive in abundance the graces of God. Those who consecrate themselves to my heart also will receive two angels from each of the nine Choirs. This promise will be fulfilled after the devotion is completed.


Bless you, my little ones, I take your petitions into my heart and I will present them to our Queen and you Most Beloved Mother, and the Holy Trinity of God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit I bless you. Praise be to Jesus! Thank you. Go in the peace of God.



September 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: (St Joseph is here, he has dark, black hair. There’s a little grey around the top of his hair near his forehead, a little grey. His hair is wavy and parted and it curls. He’s dark skinned, Mediterranean looking. His eyes are transparent and he has a well-trimmed beard, not thick. He’s dressed in a white gown with long sleeves. It comes down to the cloud that he’s on. He has a gold clip with a green sash that flows all the way down to the end of his long gown at the bottom of the cloud. He has two gold clips on his shoulders and they support a long, extremely white cape that flows to the knee, and he’s all bathed in light. Now he says,)


My dear little ones, give praise and glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit who has allowed me to be here with you in this ever special way. My little ones, Always, I come in the name of God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I come in the name of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and in the Living Spirit, the Living Holy Spirit which is the third person of the Holy Trinity. I ask you to give honor to the Holy Spirit, to always have Him on your mind and heart because He is the one who gives to you inspirations, graces, and love.


I desire you to know how real the Holy Spirit is and the presence He desires to be in your life. You all have received Him through the grace of Holy Baptism. Do not reject His holy inspirations. If you reject His holy inspirations, you reject the Holy Trinity and you deny the third person of the Holy Trinity who is God. If the inspiration comes from God, it will last and God will open doors. If not, the inspiration will fade, and you will know that it has not been God’s will or from the Holy Spirit. You ask me why do I touch on this point, little ones. It is because God has given to each one of you in abundance, the Holy Spirit as a guide and as a giver of gifts and inspirations. I ask you today to pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and to guide you in your thoughts and your inspirations.


God truly desires to use each and every one of you if you will allow and if you will let Him. Open you heart to the Holy Spirit this day and you will be renewed in abundance. Pray, pray, pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment, guidance and inspiration, and then do as Our Lady has always asked you to do – “Do whatever He tells you to do.” I touch on this point because (He’s smiling) because I desire a painting of My Most Chaste Heart to be done so that all may come before the image of my Most Chaste Heart and receive abundant graces and mercy. I desire this to be done so that it may foster the devotion to my Most Chaste Heart. This is my request, and I ask that it be completed as soon as possible so that as soon as possible this devotion may reach other souls in need of my protection, my grace, and my love. Little ones, I bless you and I take your petitions into my Most Chaste Heart, and I will present them to the Immaculate Heart of your most holy mother, and I will present your petitions also to the throne of God and to the Holy Spirit who enlightens you and who inspires you so that this devotion may have it’s complete fulfillment in this decade. I bless you, little ones, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Thank you, Now go, my little ones in the great peace of God.


October 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: My dear little ones, I come in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Always, my little ones, give glory and praise to the Holy Trinity for it is the Holy Trinity who has sent me. My dear little ones, I come today to ask you to invoke me, the Saint of All Saints, into your daily life and into your work place. Pray to me, and I will grant your requests. If you ask me to be with you during your work day, I will be with you, and I will protect you. In today’s work environment, people need great protection from evil. Therefore, I invite you to call on me always. Open your hearts to me, and I will grace you with the grace of a peaceful day. Little ones, I am with you, and I desire to guide your hands when you are working. Your life should be one of work, prayer, and rest. Therefore, my little ones, pray to me, St. Joseph, the patron saint of workers, and I will help you in your daily works.


Also, my little ones, I come because I desire to give to you the five promises of the painting which shall be done of my Most Chaste Heart. These five promises are for the painting and also they are for the memory of the First Five Wednesdays devotion. The five promises are these:


1. I shall grant to the souls, through this painting of mine, purity – purity of heart.


2. I promise to be their protector and to defend them against all attacks from the evil one.


3. I promise to grant to the head of the family, which is the father, the grace of loving discipline for his children.


4. I shall grant greater love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Those who pray before my image will have a burning desire for the love of their mother, which I too desire to guide you to.


5. I promise to grant abundant charity to those who pray before the image of my Most Chaste Heart. The charity I will give is charity to you when you are in need, and in exchange, I desire you to be charitable to those who need your help.


These are my five promises that I will grant you every time you pray before the image of my Most Chaste Heart. My little ones, I love you, and I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. I will take your petitions to the Most Holy Trinity and to your mother, the Most Holy Blessed Virgin. I come so that you may have greater love and devotion to my Most Chaste Heart. Please open up your heart to receive all the graces and blessings I desire to give you. Now go, my little ones, in the peace of God.



November 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: My dear little ones, Give praise, and glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Always give praise and glory be to the Most Holy Trinity, for it is the Holy Trinity who has sent me to be here with you in a very special way. Today, my little ones, I hold out my heart to humanity.


(I see his heart! It’s gloriously red, and there’s fire around the top of the heart, and there are three lilies extending from the heart, and it’s just bursting in light.)


I desire that humankind grasp the importance of my heart. By having devotion to my heart, you become gloriously and graciously filled with abundant blessings. As the head of the Holy Family, I intercede for you abundantly for God’s graces and mercy. Therefore, little children, seek the graces that I ask by having a devotion to my Most Chaste Heart.


Do you know, or do you understand the importance of what chastity means within your heart and within your soul? It means simply to live in holiness in God’s Will all the time. You do this by surrendering yourself to God’s Divine Will and by striving to love with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength. I desire that those people who seek to have a devotion which I am giving here to my heart, that their lives be changed forever, that they make an effort to amend their ways, and live in holiness in the Divine Will. Did I not tell you that I will teach you how to live, from moment to moment, day by day? I will lead you, but you must trust me.


(He’s looking around at everybody. He says,) My little children, God’s Divine Heart loves you. My Chaste Heart desires to reveal to you pity and love. Little children, above all I desire you to understand this – simplicity. Live in humility. Do not seek for more than what God gives you but have hope in the future. Now has come the time for my apparitions among you to end, not today but December 2nd. Therefore, little children, do I desire to press you tightly to my heart. My call goes out to all of humanity to seek my virtues – my poverty, my love, my purity which comes from God alone.


I am St. Joseph. I am your protector and your defender, but realize even though my Most Chaste Heart burns with fervent love for you, I am a created being from the Father. I lived in the Divine Will towards the end of my life, but I was human, completely. Listen, I will pray and intercede for all of your needs, but you must accept God’s answers. It is the power of intercession that I extend to you, and I offer you the chance to live in His Divine Will. That is all I offer you. If God says “no” to your prayers, it is His Will, and His Will alone you must accept in all circumstances. No matter what happens, you are called every day to be submissive to God and say, “Oh Lord, as much as it has pleased you, Oh Lord, let your Will be done unto me today, and only Your Will be done in me today.” My words are enough for you. Reflect on them.


Today, I offer you the blessing of my Most Chaste Heart, not only for all of you present but for all your loved ones in Purgatory. (He extends his heart over us.) My son Jesus is blessing you through me, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Now go, my little ones, in the great peace and mercy of my Foster Son Jesus and the Almighty Father. Ad Deum. (He has a beautiful smile on his face. The light is surrounding him. It’s gone now.)



December 2, 2008 – ST. JOSEPH: (St. Joseph is here and he’s making a descent. He’s dressed all in gold. The sash that was green is now gold. The white robe is pure gold, and the cape which is usually pure white is now just pure gold, and there are two angels, one on the left, one on the right, and they’re both dressed the same, in pure gold, and they are little angels. They’re not angel faces, they’re baby angels. There’s a gold light all around them. His eyes are just sparkling! He says,)


Give praise and glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit who has allowed me to be here with you in an ever special way! My dear little ones, First I wish to extend to you my great thanks for you and for all of you for gathering and for being with me here today as my last appearance of this year occurs. My little ones, I have repeatedly stressed the importance of the first five Wednesdays. I’ve repeatedly expressed to you the devotion to my Most Chaste Heart regarding its promises and the painting itself.


My little ones, now is the time for you to know and believe firmly that my Most Chaste and Pure Heart gives to you abundant graces. You are all called to be disciples of my Most Chaste Heart through prayer and surrendering to the Will of the Father. The only way that I lived this life was through purity and through the grace given to my by the Father, by the Son, and by your most holy mother. They gave to me in great abundance graces to continue on in my long and sorrowful journey. Know that it was a joyful as well as sorrowful journey, one filled with joy and grace from the moment of my first visitation of the angel to my last breath of life. It was sorrow mingled with great joy, sorrow over having to see the suffering of the mother and the Child, and sorrow over the loss of so many souls and their offences against God, and joy in beholding the Creator in fully human and yet fully divine form.


Today, my little ones, I invite you to walk the journey of faith. My little Foster Son Jesus is with you. Believe and know that He extends graces to you through my Most Chaste Heart. Pick up the heavy burden of the Cross and begin your journey of faith by prayer. Surrender yourselves to my protection, and it will be given to you. I protect all souls that consecrate themselves to my heart, all true, chaste souls whose hearts and souls are pure before God. This does not mean that it does not include those who are married. Those who are married and have a pure and chaste heart also are protected under my heart and grace of God. Blessed are those who receive and understand that the message I deliver is one of conversion and turning all hearts to the Heart of God. Whose heart do I desire to turn to God? Little children, yours. Who is God? The one, and only one in full human and divine form, Jesus, who suffered and died for you. My heart is simply an echo of the graces given by God and given to you through this devotion. It is a devotion to call you to conversion and peace. Know that my intercession will always be extended to those who believe and those who don’t believe as long as they surrender themselves and give themselves completely to my Most Chaste Heart. The blessing of my Most Chaste Heart is upon you.


(He’s pulling something out from his chest. His Most Chaste Heart! He’s blessing us with his Most Chaste Heart, with the Sign of the Cross. He’s making it with his heart, like so, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.)


Know the flames which extend from my heart is the flame of the passion of love from the Holy Spirit. This flame consumed my heart unto the uttermost moments of my death. The three lilies signify purity, chastity, and above all, humility in love. Blessed are those who receive these virtues and live them. Thank you, my little ones, for your response to His call and for listening to my words. Though you do not see me, I extend to you my graces and my love. Again, blessed are those who do not see yet who believe. Now, I shall bless you again with the Sign of the Cross, and I shall depart. Know that I shall be forever with all God’s children who pray, who consecrate themselves to my Most Chaste Heart. I am with you and I will protect you. Believe! I bless you now, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.



June 2, 2010 – ST. JOSEPH: (St. Joseph is here. He’s dressed in a white cape, a long white robe, and a green sash.)


Give praise and glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit now and forever, Amen. Give them praise for allowing me to come with you, to be here present today in a very special way. I have come, my little ones, because I have heard your prayers. God in His merciful love has given to you another advocate to help you along the road to salvation, and it is my Most Chaste Heart.


I desire that there be also an official celebration of my Most Chaste Heart. The Wednesday preceding the Feast of God the Father’s Heart this year shall be dedicated to my Most Chaste Heart. I desire you on that day to go to communion and to pray the five Joyful Mysteries, meditating on me who is hidden in the mysteries. I am with you and desire you also to pray this prayer:


Oh, Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, wounded by the ingratitude of men, wounded by those who do not understand, and by those who do not accept the Lord as their God and Savior, those who offend you by offending the Heavenly Mother, we pray and consecrate ourselves to your Most Chaste Heart asking for peace and blessing to be given to the world And as reparation for the sins committed against your Heart, we consecrate this day of prayer to you. Oh, Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, pray for us and have mercy on us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death, Amen.


Today I revealed my Most Chaste Heart so that you may see my love, that you may understand that it is God’s love and mercy that is given to you through me. (I hear an angel, or somebody, say, ‘Hail, St. Joseph, Saint of all Saints!’ St. Joseph says,) Truly I am the Saint of all Saints guiding you to my spouse, the Blessed Mother, and to my foster child, Jesus. I alone also can intercede and help this world. Pray! Pray, Pray! Know, although I am hidden, I am with you. And now I give you the blessings of the Almighty Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever, Amen. Go in the peace of my Most Chaste Heart. Ad Deum. (He’s being enveloped by a golden cloud. The golden cloud is there. It’s gone.)

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